Almighty Allah has endowed Pakistan with a very good inherent prospective for dairy expansion. Pakistan is a nation where milk and many other dairy products play a significant role in the fulfillment of human diet in rural and urban areas. Bahawalpur possesses a wide historic background in agriculture and dairy sector. It has always been among the cities, who, for centuries, have been contributing much in farming and giving expanded agriculture production. The natural environment and suitable climatic conditions of Bahawalpur provides the ideal atmosphere for dairy farming. The breeds of cattle thrive under such atmospheric conditions and produces supreme quality of dairy products. Dairy farming is one of the most relaxed and profitable occupation, which the people of Bahawalpur are highly appraising.
The Punjab Livestock and Dairy Development is working hard to motivate the farmers in enhancing the production of dairy products as no one can neglect the importance of dairy farming in an area where dairy products forms an integral part of human diet.
Alfateh Farms is one of the Pakistan’s leading dairy producers. With the help of managerial yet latest techniques, updated infrastructure, facility of transporting dairy products and suitable marketing of pure milk we specialize in local as well in international dairy farming. By taking care of animal comfort Alfateh farm produces quality output of dairy products. With the help of expert dairy farming, we are recognized as matchless quality of dairy milk producers. Since years, we have been proudly defending our status of being top-notch dairy farmers.
To export our quality products, we make use of latest transporting techniques so that the customers receive fresh dairy products. We ensure the fresh delivery of Alfateh dairy products even at long distances through refrigerated shipment. Having an adequate logistic system, organized producers and expert minds, we undergo dairy farming, which produces increased output of dairy products.
We specialize in enhancing our dairy product output by using efficient technique of cross breeding, which not only improves the production of dairy products but also makes Alfateh dairy farming as one of the most desired and well-established farms in Pakistan.